
HystericBlueSingles.CategoryPage.AlistofallsinglesreleasedbyHystericBlue.ToviewmorereleasesgotoHystericBlue.Trendingpages.,HystericBluewasaJapaneserockbandformedinOsaka,Japanin1997anddisbandedin2004.Duringthecourseoftheirmusicalcareertheyreleasedatotal ...,HystericBlue.Japaneseband.Inmorelanguages.Spanish.HystericBlue.grupo...SwedishWikipedia·WikimediaimportURL·https://sv.wikipedia.org/w/index...

Category:Hysteric Blue Singles | Jpop Wiki

Hysteric Blue Singles. Category Page. A list of all singles released by Hysteric Blue. To view more releases go to Hysteric Blue. Trending pages.

Hysteric Blue

Hysteric Blue was a Japanese rock band formed in Osaka, Japan in 1997 and disbanded in 2004. During the course of their musical career they released a total ...

Hysteric Blue

Hysteric Blue. Japanese band. In more languages. Spanish. Hysteric Blue. grupo ... Swedish Wikipedia · Wikimedia import URL · https://sv.wikipedia.org/w/index.php ...

Hysteric Blue | Jpop Wiki

Hysteric Blue was a rock band from Osaka active from 1997 until March 2004. The band disbanded in 2004 after guitarist Naoki was found guilty of multiple ...


成員. 1997年7月正式組團. 當初以毛遂自薦的方式寄試聽帶至各大唱片公司而被發掘。 1998年10月31日以首張單曲“RUSH!”正式出道. 1999年曾來台灣做過宣傳. 2004年解散.

